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Bypassing cache

The Accelerated Domains cache engine is set up to conditionally bypass cache completely.

Cookies that forces a cache bypass

If any of the cookie prefixes listed below is present, the cache will be completely bypassed.


Get in touch with Servebolt Support if your plugins or themes sets other cookies that should trigger a bypass globally for all Accelerated Domains.

Cookies that triggers a no-store

Accelerated Domains is set up to not write to cache if some specific cookies are present. These "no-store" cookies does not bypass the cache completely, and the request can still be read from cache. But in the case of a cache miss requests with these cookies will not be allowed to write to the cache.

// WooCommerce

// Easy Digital Downloads

Get in touch with Servebolt Support if your plugins or themes sets other cookies that should trigger a no-store globally for all Accelerated Domains.

Bypassed paths

Some paths are not safe for caching or should not be cached regardless of all other rules. Accelerated Domains is set up to not cache the following paths, regardless of cache control headers.


// WordPress & website defaults
'[.]php', // all urls that have .php
'\/search\/', // default search for most systems
'\\?s=', // wordpress default for search

// Common adaptions used
'graphql', // the GraphQL endpoint

// Carts and Checkout + WooCommerce

// Account pages

// WJD

// Wishlists
'\/wishlist', // YITH Wishlist

// WooCommerce Product Feeds

// Easy Digital Downloads

// WooCommerce Vipps

// Preview

// Klarna

// exclude key for password reset

Get in touch with Servebolt Support if your plugins or themes sets other static paths that should be bypassed globally for all Accelerated Domains.

Manually bypassing the cache

By adding the query string ?acd=bypass to any URL, you will be fully bypassing the Accelerated Domains Cache and optimizations done on the fly.

Ignore PHPSESSID (optional)

Accelerated Domains is by default set up to bypass cache when a PHPSESSID cookie is present in the browser (and sent in the request). Accelerated Domains does however have the ability to ignore the PHPSESSID and treat requests with PHPSESSID like a non-unique request which therefore can be delivered from cache.


This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled on request. Enabling this feature is only done at the clients risk. Get in touch with Servebolt Support if you want this feature disabled.